nucleotideMap = { 'a':0, 'c':1, 'g':2, 't':3 }
reverseMap = { 0:'a', 1:'c', 2:'g', 3:'t' }
ScoreCount = 0
def getAndClearScoreCount():
global ScoreCount
rval = ScoreCount
ScoreCount = 0
return rval
def Score(s, DNA, l):
""" compute the consensus SCORE of a given l-base
alignment given offsets into each DNA string.
s = list of starting indices, 1-based, 0 means ignore
DNA = list of nucleotide strings
l = Target Motif length"""
global ScoreCount
ScoreCount += 1
score = 0
for i in xrange(l):
# loop over string positions
cnt = [0 for x in xrange(4)]
for j in xrange(len(s)):
# loop over DNA strands
sval = s[j]
if (sval != 0):
cnt[nucleotideMap[DNA[j][sval-1+i]]] += 1
score += max(cnt)
return score
def Consensus(s, DNA, l):
""" compute the consensus STRING of a given l-base
alignment given offsets into each DNA string.
s = list of starting indices, 1-based, 0 means ignore
DNA = list of nucleotide strings
l = Target Motif length """
cstring = ''
for i in xrange(l):
# loop over string positions
cnt = [0 for x in xrange(4)]
for j in xrange(len(s)):
# loop over DNA strands
sval = s[j]
if (sval != 0):
cnt[nucleotideMap[DNA[j][sval-1+i]]] += 1
cstring += reverseMap[cnt.index(max(cnt))]
return cstring
def NextLeaf(a, L, k):
""" generates all L^k permutations of
of the list of integers, "a", when
initialized with k*[1] """
for i in reversed(xrange(L)):
if (a[i] < k):
a[i] += 1
a[i] = 1
return a
def NextVertex(a, i, L, k):
""" generates all nodes in a
search tree with L^k leafs """
if (i < L):
a[i] = 1
return (a, i+1)
for j in reversed(xrange(L)):
if (a[j] < k):
a[j] += 1
return (a, j+1)
a[j] = 0
return (a, 0)
def Bypass(a, i, L, k):
""" ignore the children of an interior node beyond i generations """
for j in reversed(xrange(i)):
if (a[j] < k):
a[j] += 1
return (a, j+1)
a[j] = 0
return (a, 0)
Exhaustively enumerate every possible position for the motif.
def BruteForceMotifSearchAgain(DNA,t,n,l):
""" searches all possible alignments of 't'
DNA fragments (of length 'n') for the
'l'-mer with the maximum consensus score """
s = [1 for i in xrange(t)]
bestScore = Score(s, DNA, l)
bestMotif = [x for x in s]
while (True):
s = NextLeaf(s,t,n-l+1)
if (sum(s) == t):
score = Score(s, DNA, l)
if (score > bestScore):
print s, " = ", score
bestScore = score
bestMotif = [x for x in s]
return bestMotif
A rewrite of the brute force method from above, but organized to allow for branching
def SimpleMotifSearch(DNA,t,n,l):
""" traverses the full search tree of all possible alignments of 't' DNA
fragments of length 'n' for the 'l'-mer with the maximum consensus score """
s = [0 for i in xrange(t)]
bestScore = 0
i = 0
while (i > 0 or bestScore == 0):
if (i < t):
s, i = NextVertex(s,i,t,n-l+1)
score = Score(s, DNA, l)
if (score > bestScore):
print s, " = ", score
bestScore = score
bestMotif = [x for x in s]
s, i = NextVertex(s,i,t,n-l+1)
return bestMotif
This rewrite of version 2 allows for pruning interior trees.
def BranchAndBoundMotifSearch(DNA,t,n,l):
# traverses a search tree of alignments
# of 't' DNA fragments (of length 'n')
# while pruning hopless excursions in
# search for the 'l'-mer with the
# maximum consensus score
s = [0 for i in xrange(t)]
bestScore = 0
i = 0
while (i > 0 or bestScore == 0):
if (i < t):
optimisticScore = Score(s, DNA, l) + (t-i)*l
if (optimisticScore < bestScore):
s, i = Bypass(s,i,t,n-l+1)
s, i = NextVertex(s,i,t,n-l+1)
score = Score(s, DNA, l)
if (score > bestScore):
print s, " = ", score
bestScore = score
bestMotif = [x for x in s]
s, i = NextVertex(s,i,t,n-l+1)
return bestMotif
# Example from notes
DNA = ["cctgatagacgctatctggctatccaggtacttaggtcctctgtgcgaatctatgcgtttccaaccat",
print "Branch-and-Bound Search = ",
s = BranchAndBoundMotifSearch(DNA,5,68,8)
print s, "=", Consensus(s,DNA,8)
print "iterations =", getAndClearScoreCount()
print "Simple Brute Force:"
s = SimpleMotifSearch(DNA,5,16,8)
print s, "=", Consensus(s,DNA,8)
print "iterations =", getAndClearScoreCount()
print "Branch-and-Bound Search:"
s = BranchAndBoundMotifSearch(DNA,5,16,8)
print s, "=", Consensus(s,DNA,8)
print "iterations =", getAndClearScoreCount()
def lmers(l):
s = [1 for i in xrange(l)]
while (True):
motif = "".join(["*acgt"[i] for i in s])
print motif
# test l-mer here
s = NextLeaf(s,l,4)
if (sum(s) == l):